Dangers in old smoke detectors

The Unseen Danger in Your Home:
Old Smoke Detectors

Are you aware that many old smoke detectors contain Americium-241, a synthetic radioactive element? Although this radioactive substance is mostly contained, it can pose significant health risks if the smoke detector is mishandled or damaged.

Radioactive elements in old smoke detectors

Why Should You Be Concerned?

Smoke detectors are vital safety devices in our homes, but outdated models can become silent threats. With wear and tear, the risk of exposure to the radioactive Americium-241 increases. This poses a risk not just to adults but especially to children and pets, who are more vulnerable.

Smoke and Heat Detector Replacement Services

Our Solution:
Modern, Safe Smoke and Heat Detectors

At IDS Global UK, we understand the importance of your family's safety. That's why we offer a comprehensive service of supplying and fitting modern, radiation-free smoke and heat detectors. Upon completion of the installation, we will also provide a certificate for your records.

  • Smoke Detectors: Supplied and fitted for £129+VAT.
  • Heat Detectors: Supplied and fitted for £129+VAT.

Our technicians will ensure a hassle-free installation and guide you on the proper maintenance and use of these devices.

Take Action Today!

Don't let an outdated smoke detector jeopardize the safety of your loved ones. Upgrade your home's safety with IDS Global UK.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you upgrade your home's safety with modern smoke and heat detectors.